Petitions Reports
Receive daily or weekly emails with lists of all petitions filed with the NLRB. The lists are Excel documents and include company contact and union information. Daily Petitions recipients also receive a list of ULP Charges filed each day as well. Request Petitions Reports
Eye in the Sky Alert Service
If you have hundreds of locations, how do you monitor union activity around them? LRIrightnow's Eye in the Sky service does it for you. You provide a list of locations and we'll send you a weekly report showing any petition activity around any of them, and even flag a "High-Alert" union or industry. Request Eye in the Sky Alert Service
Elections Review
Our Elections Review displays the year's election activity in a multitude of charts and tables, breaking down the union's winning percentages by NLRB Region, state, industry, type of election and more. The Election Review may be subscribed to on a quarterly or annual basis. Request Election Review or Purchase Previous Years Reports
ULP Charges Delivery
Did you just find 800 ULP Charges in your search and think, "Wow! That's a lot of downloading." Let us gather those charges for you and save you a lot of time. Call or submit your request online and we'll give you a no-obligation quote. Request ULP Charges Delivery
Custom Library Search
Even though LRIrightnow Libraries are easy to search from just about anywhere, now that our site is optimized for your phones and tablets, you still may be in a situation where you just can't get the search done. Call or submit your request online and we'll give you a no-obligation quote. Request Custom Research Services