How many petitions did the Teamsters file in your area last year? With this search you can find that and much more. You won't get the lists and details as in the Featured Libraries, but if your looking for numbers, here's the place. This should also be your starting point for any Featured Library searches to make sure you don't incur a charge, only to find no records match your criteria.
Union LM Information
This search will give you the financial and membership information for any union or local you wish. The union's assets, receipts, membership totals are there. You'll see a list of people on the union's staff, including salaries and other wages, or you may search for individual union officers and organizers.
Company Report
The Company Report gives you a five-year history of a company's involvement with unions, including its election results and contracts in effect. It's a simple and quick way to determine if a company has been a target of recent union activity.
Recent Petitions
View a list of petitions filed in the last week, displaying company, union, petition date, and docket number.
Recent Elections
View a list of elections held in the last 10 days, displaying company, union, election date, and docket number, tally and winner.
Union Scoreboard
Here you'll see a Top-10 listing of union activity in a variety of categories over the past year. The leaders in petitions, elections, work stoppages, and ULP Charges are listed by NLRB Region and state.
Interactive Maps
View union activity around your area using our interactive maps. Zoom in to a specific location and get petition and election information grouped by different categories.